OC Real Estate Agent News Headline

Monday, June 23, 2008

You can now subscribe!

Hi everyone!

This blog is a completely new method I have come up with to give everybody a dedicated place to come for new and now archived articles I release, thoughts, ideas and eventually a place for you to come for all answers real estate (until I can build all that content, you will have to contact me directly with specific questions). You will see as time progresses there will be numerous changes and additions. As a way to help me, please voice your input and opinions on what you find helpful. Also if I make a change you do not like, I would like to hear about that too.

The first addition I have added is the ability to subscribe to this blog. Simply by entering your e-mail address in the box on the upper right hand side of the page, you will be notified via e-mail every time a new article or “blog” has been posted for viewing. I hope this will help everyone stay up to date and not leave you wondering "when does Rick plan to post in his blog next?" Keep in mind you can always view previous posts from my blog by using the widget on the bottom right hand side of the page called "review previous blog articles".

Thank you for joining me today and I wish you all a wonderful week!


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